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How does the translation process look like ?

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What translation services are provided by A1 Prevodi ?
Artisanal activity „A1 Prevodi“ provides mainly four types of services. These are: written translations (without certification by means of a stamp of a permanent court interpreter), court translations (with certification by means of a stamp of a permanent court interpreter), language-editing services and proofreading services.How do you treat the confidentiality of documents which we assign to you for translation?
Every document which I receive from my documents constitutes a business secret. I shall never disclose contents of such a document to anyone in any case. .What is the price of a translation without certification of a permanent court interpreter?
As far as the translation without certification of a permanent court interpreter is concerned, the price is calculated by a page. One page contains 1800 characters, taking into account even the spaces between the characters. One such page of my translation amounts 20.00 convertible marks when I translate from Serbo-Croatian into English language. When I translate from English language into Serbo-Croatian language, the price is 15.00 convertible marks. .How do you calculate a price for a translation with certification of a permanent court interpreter?
As far as a translation with certification of a permanent court interpreter is concerned, the manner of calculation of a price for such a translation is slightly different. In conformity with Order on interpreters numbered 44 dated 2006, the calculation of a price for such a translation is performed in accordance with the number of lines on a page of a document. The direction of a translation from English language into Serbian language, Croatian language or Bosnian language is easier and that is why it is cheaper for the person who orders the translation. The prices have been defined by means of Order on interpreters numbered 44 dated 2006.How much does a translation with certification of a permanent court interpreter from English language cost?
In line with the abovementioned information, the first 15 lines of a translation costs 8.00 convertible marks. Every additional line the permanent court interpreter is entitled to charge additional 0.75 convertible marks. So, for example, the page of 16 lines will cost: 8.00 convertible marks (for the first fifteen lines) + 1 x 0.75 (= 0.75) convertible marks for the next line = 8.75 convertible marks in total. The direction of a translation from English language into Serbian, Croatian or Bosnian languare is easier and that is why it is cheaper for the person who orders the translation. .How much does a translation with certification of a permanent court interpreter cost?
In line with the abovementioned information, the first 15 lines of a translation costs 10 convertible marks. Every additional line the permanent court interpreter is entitled to charge additional 0.75 convertible marks. So, for example, a translation of a page of 16 lines from Serbian, Croatian or Bosnian language into English language will cost: 10 convertible marks + 1 x 0.75 (= 0.75 convertible marks) = 10.75 convertible marks in total. . If a documents contains more than one page, the permanent court interpreter counts the lines in identical manner on the next page and calculates the amount for that page. The procedure is repeated until the permanent court interpreter reaches the end of the document. If there are more documents, the procedure is repeated with the first page of that document until it is finished with the last page of that document, namely with the number of lines, namely, the amount for the respective page. Then you obtain the total amount for the translation of the documents. .What is the tariff for oral translation of a permanent court interpreter?
It happens that I may be hired as a permanent court interpreter to translate orally from English language or into English language. Likewise, in line with the abovementioned provision, the tariff is established this time according to the duration of the translation. It amounts 50.00 convertible marks for every full hour of translation and 30.00 convertible marks for every started hour of translation. In the abovementioned document of the Order there is information on tariffs for the oral translation of permanent court interpreters, on the page numbered 4469.Do you give a discount on large quantities of text?
I do not wish do lower my quality standards. I do not wish for my client to receive anything that is not how it should be. Because of all of this I do not wish to give any discounts for large quantities of text in my translations (although it is completely true that I do not charge every single line. Why? Because it seems to me that in such a way I show respect to a person who has put his/her trust in me and assigned just me to do the translation.) .Can you establish the deadline for a translation in a hurry?
Unfortunately, I never know how long a translation of a document will take. Why? Because I never know how difficult is the pertinent document for translation, what kind of terminology is in question (since I regularly get assignments to translate documents containing professional terminology), are there any abbreviations the meaning of which I do not know. But I am not lazy and I do not procrastinate with translation. Furthermore, it happens fairly frequently that I make a dictionary in Microsoft Excel for unknown words and phrases which I deliver to the client free of charge as well if he/she expresses his/her wish for it, just to see what and how something has been translated. Then there is work on the very translation itself, then touch-up follows, then printing, affixing of the stamp, signing pages, collating and linking pages with a special band, affixing labels, two additional affixing of stamp, two signatures, calculating lines of the page or pages, making invoice, issuing invoice, issuing fiscal cash register receipt(s), entering the translation into Journal of translations, registering of a daily report into Book of daily reports. When all of this is over, I notify my client and delivery ensues..
Who is a permanent court interpreter?
Permanent court interpreter is a person who with university education level decides to translate public documents from a foreign language (in this case, English) into local language) (in this case, Serbian, Croatian or Bosnian) and takes and passes a special examination for knowledge of the pertinent, legal terminology in a foreign language. After the examination pass and oath that the person takes, becoming therewith a permanent court interpreter, minister of justice appoints the permanent court interpreter who is eligible to provide his/her services to physical and legal persons, namely, to translate the written or spoken foreign language into local language or from a local language. Permanent court interpeter issues translations which are true to the original in full, and he/she guarantees for it with his/her signature and stamp. Decision on my appointment (Dragi Pavlovic) for the permanent court interpreter numbered 03-03-3-28-06 in Sarajevo dated 03.02.2009. Every four years the licence of a permanent court interpreter is renewed. If the permanent court interpreter does not renew his/her licence, he/she loses his/her licence.Elements of invoice (issued to the client)
Permanent court interpreter issues an invoice specifying the person who ordered the service of translation, date of translation, number in the Journal of translations and certifications, name of the document translated, number of lines existing in the pertinent page of the translation and the amount that the pertinent court interpreter is eligible to charge for that page. Here are, of course, listed the remaining pages of that document as well. Here are, of course, in the same manner, listed all the other documents which client assigned for translation. And, finally, the total amount which the client has to pay to the certified court interpreter. .How could I know whether an authorized person translated a certain document?
On every document issued by a permanent court interpreter there must be a number from the Journal of translations and certifications, date of the translation, place of the translation and the country of translation. That document also must bear the stamp of the permanent court interpreter and his/her signature on every page of the translated document, plus number of the page and two affixed stamps on the last page with the self-adhesive label and special thread connecting all the pages of a translation..How is payment effectuated?
Payment is made in accordance with pro forma invoice or in accordance with the issued invoice to our account in a bank.How do you deliver the finished translations?
Depending up on the type of translation, we deliver them in electronic and written form, whereas translations made by a permanent court interpreter we deliver exclusively by direct delivery, delivery by means of registered mail or express mail with a delivery note.